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Archive for the 'Whiplash' Category

Whiplash Anatomy

Whiplash is an injury commonly associated with motor vehicle collisions (MVC) caused by a rapid forward and backward “whipping” of the neck. What varies between each case is the degree of injury and what anatomical parts of the neck are actually injured. Let’s take a look at the spine so we can better understand where [..]

Whiplash: Why is this Taking So Long?

Whiplash treatment and management is a topic of great discussion! Many different types of tissues can be injured in a whiplash event, which can lead to a multitude of symptoms. This is why the label “Whiplash Associated Disorders” (WAD) was born! The rate of healing for each type of tissue varies, thus the length of [..]

Whiplash Management

Whiplash usually occurs as a result of a car crash when the head moves in a fast, uncontrolled way in many possible directions. The forwards-backwards movement is described in a classic “whiplash” injury but side-to-side, rotational, or a combination of movements often occur, especially if we add in the factor of the head being turned [..]

Whiplash Recovery

Exercise is an important part of whiplash treatment and is often overlooked by both patients and doctors. We will focus on several practical and effective exercises over the next several months. The first of this series can be called “brain exercises.”Brain Exercise #1: Eyes Still, Move Head. Hold a pen a comfortable distance in front [..]

Whiplash – Can We Predict Long-Term Problems?

Whiplash (or the rapid acceleration forwards followed by deceleration or sudden stopping of the moving head during the whiplash event) occurs at a speed that is so fast, we can’t prepare for it. In other words, by the time it takes us to voluntarily contract a muscle to guard ourselves against injury, that rapid forward/backwards [..]

Whiplash – Rest or Treatment?

Whiplash—or WAD (whiplash associated disorders)—is an injury caused by the rapid movement of the neck and head. This is the net result of the “classic” motor vehicle collision, though other injury models (like slips and falls) can result in similar injuries. Previously, we listed basic facts, of which one was that patients had better results [..]

Whiplash "Basics"

Whiplash is a non-medical term typically describing what happens to the head and neck when a person is struck from behind in a motor vehicle collision. Let’s look at some basic facts about whiplash:Before cars, trains were the main source of whiplash and was called “railroad spine.”Better terms for whiplash injuries include “cervical acceleration-deceleration” (CAD) [..]

Whiplash Diagnosis

Whiplash is, by definition, the rapid acceleration followed by deceleration of the head causing the neck to “crack like a whip” forwards and backwards at a rate so fast that the muscles cannot react quickly enough to control the motion. As reported last month, if a collision occurs in an automobile and the head rests [..]

Whiplash “Fun Facts”

Whiplash is a slang term for a condition called cervical acceleration, deceleration syndrome (CAD). There are facts and myths surrounding the subject of whiplash. Let’s look at some of the facts... 1. The origin of CAD. The history of CAD dates back before automobiles were commonplace. The first case of severe neck pain arose from [..]

Whiplash "101" (Part 2)

Our current Whiplash topic continues from last month when we reviewed the “mechanism of injury,” the “type of injury,” and “prognosis.” This month, we will review the “nuts and bolts” of the whiplash injury or whiplash associated disorders (WAD). Whiplash diagnosis: The diagnosis of whiplash first and foremost requires a thorough history. Here, your doctor [..]