Whiplash results from a sudden trauma, usually involving an accident, where the injured person’s car is struck from behind, from the front, or from one of the sides.The injury is caused from the head quickly accelerating, like a "crack the whip" action, which often results in headache, neck pain, and sometimes loss of memory or the [..]
You might have wondered, "who should I go to for treatment of my whiplash problem?" You have many choices available in healthcare ranging from drug related approaches such as narcotic medications to natural forms of treatment such as chiropractic, exercise, and meditation with many others in between. Trying to figure out which approach or perhaps [..]
Many whiplash patients ask questions like, "…why do I hurt so much now, but hardly hurt at all right after the accident?" Or "…why can neck pain after a minor car collision last so long?"
In a low-speed collision, the pain and dysfunction that auto collision victims experience likely stems from injured soft tissues. This [..]
Motor vehicle collisions (MVC) usually result in injuries to the neck and upper back. However, there are often other complaints that can occur immediately or after a delayed time frame. The mechanism of injury or "how did the accident happen?" is very important in this regard. For example, a low-speed crash that occurs at 5-10 [..]
Does this sound familiar? It’s a fictional but a rather typical scenario affecting thousands of American drivers:
"Last week, I was waiting at a red light and a car came up from behind and ran into the back end of my car. It was a low-speed collision without a lot of damage to either of [..]
Is the speed of a car crash directly proportional to amount of injury sustained by the occupants? One would expect more injury to occur when the speed of the collision is faster and sometimes, this is the case – especially when car accidents occur at highway speeds.
But what about patients who end up in [..]
While it is hard prevent someone from crashing their car into yours,
there are some things you can do to minimize you risk for a serious whiplash injury if and when a collision occurs.The
first preventive measure is making sure your seat is upright and the
head rest touches the top of your head. If [..]
The nervous system is the master control network for your body, directing virtually every function and action from monitoring your life needs to precisely responding to threats to your health.
Each system—from your cardiovascular system to your digestive and immune systems—is directed through nerve impulses originating in your brain or spinal cord that travel through [..]
Shoulder pain following an automobile collision is probably more common than you think. Whiplash injuries, especially serious ones, are notorious for causing pain and disability beyond the neck. Whiplash is considered a full-body disorder and symptoms can range from pain to dizziness, headache, and fatigue. Depending on the type of collision and what type of [..]
Shoulder pain following an automobile collision is probably more common than you think. Whiplash injuries, especially serious ones, are notorious for causing pain and disability beyond the neck. Whiplash is considered a full-body disorder and symptoms can range from pain to dizziness, headache, and fatigue. Depending on the type of collision and what type of [..]